The Truth About Child Mortality

    It's not a lie when we say that a child in the world dies every three seconds, but did you know that most of these deaths could have been prevented? The most common killers of children are malaria, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhea and malnutrition, but most of these diseases can be treated, cured, and prevented. If this is so, then why do children die every minute? Because children living in extrememe poverty, war torn nations, and developing countries do not have access to medications and vaccines that could save their lives. That is the sad truth.  But, lots of people are doing their best to try and stop this.  You can help also by doing something such as donating as little as five dollars to an organization like UNICEF.  This organization is dedicated to saving children's lives by providing free medical care,vaccines and access to sanitary water. Five dollars can change a child's life forever for the simple reason that it gives them the opportunity to live. Spread the word about child mortality, because if the world continues to deny that there is a problem, then the problem will continue to grow and millions of innocent children will die before they reach their fifth birthday.